Final Workshop EIBA (Abschlussworkshop)

When: 25 April 2023

Where: Produktionstechnisches Zentrum PTZ, Pascalstr. 8-9, 10587 Berlin

The Handling and Assembly technology research division of TU Berlin as well as the department for machine-vision of Fraunhofer IPK invite to their premises.



For the transition towards a Circular Economy which puts prolonged product-use first, the efficient collection and identification of products meant for remanufacturing is key. A major challenge is that many product-variants only distinguish in details and the products-identification is very difficult due to dirt and wear from the first use-phase.

As part of the public-funded project »EIBA: Sensorische Erfassung, automatisierte Identifikation und Bewertung von Altteilen anhand von Produktdaten sowie Informationen über bisherige Lieferungen« a system to digitally support the identification of used car parts has been developed. The product-specific data tracked by the system’s digital sensors is connected with business process related data, analyzed and interpreted using AI and presented to the human operator for decision support. By the synergetic approach of people and machines the failure rate in identification can be reduced and the human operators are supported in their work - not substituted.

We cordially invite you to our Final Workshop (onsite, in presence) on Tuesday, April 25th 2023, 10:30 am – 02:30 pm, where the EIBA-project team will demonstrate the system live.

You will also have the opportunity to try it out yourself to a get a “hands-on”-experience how future product-identification processes can be designed.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!

Your EIBA project team *