Circular Economy Initiative Germany - Overview and selected deep dives

When: 15 December 2020 / 09:00 - 10:30 am (UTC+1)

Where: online



The Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland (CEID) brings together more than 50+ institutions (and 100+ individuals) from business, academia and society. Its aim is to develop a joint target vision and a concrete plan how the transformation towards a Circular Economy in Germany could be achieved. On top, the initiative seeks to initiate practical implementation, for example in the form of collaborative projects. In sum, insights from the initiative from the basis for deriving policy recommendations and options which will be summarized in a Circular Economy Roadmap for Germany.

Interdisciplinary and cross-sector working groups discussed how circular economic systems can be facilitated and implemented. To this end, they examined possible fields of application and discussed which framework conditions could lead to successful implementation.

The following themes were elaborated in working groups:

  • Circular business models and regulatory framework conditions

  • New value networks for traction batteries

  • New value networks for packaging

You are interested in current CE developments in Germany? Register for our event!


09:00 (UTC+1) / 11:00 (UTC+3)

Overview on the Circular Economy Initiative Germany

09:15 (UTC+1) / 11:15 (UTC+3)

Introducing the working groups “Circular Business Models”, “Traction Batteries” and “Packaging” with selected deep dive

10:00 (UTC+1) / 12:00 (UTC+3)


Summary, questions and outlook